Optical and Polarimetry Consultant: Surface and Thin Film Characterization; Optical Instruments
Technical Consultant #1685
- Polarimetry techniques to study surfaces and periodic structures.
- Polarimetry technology applied to lithography and photonic structures.
- Mueller polarimetry and Mueller matrices optics and advanced developments.
- Metrology technology, metrology study groups and metrology equipment suppliers.
- Optical and polarization characterization of nanomaterials.
- Optic instrumentation applied to thin films deposition technologies including epitaxial deposited thin films.
- Optics thin films Instrumentation: spectroellipsometry (SE), Infrared (IRSE) and Ultra Violet Ellipsometry (VUVSE).
- Thin films semiconductor new materials
- Continuous Instrumental development of characterization developing simulation software.
- Educator of current developments in optical in thin films and physical properties of nanotechnology materials.
- Research and development in optical characterization.
Undisclosed Laboratory, France, Research Project Leader and Consultant, Present
Undisclosed Company, France, 2000 - Present
- Senior Expert: Research and development in optical characterization.
- Project Leader: VUV Ellipsometry Mueller Matrix Polarimetry Scatterometry, Mueller Polarimetry.
CNET, CNS Meylan, France Telecom, Research and Development, 1980 - 1999
- Thin films optical characterization instruments: ellipsometry, visible and infra red and reflectometry.
- Laser induced temperature and ionic implantation.
Independent Consultant
- For various Metrology groups: Horiba Scientific, SOPRA-Lab , KLA Tencor.
- First spectroellipsometry (SE), developments in the visible and infra red range with SOPRA inc.
IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Height, NY, 1978 - 1979
- Postdoctoral - 2-D paramagnet LB materials.
Commissariat Energie Atomique, (CEA) France, 1975 - 1978
- Center for Nuclear Studies in Grenoble: Thesis; Magnetism Nuclear relaxation OverHauser effect.
Univercidad Nacional de Ingenieria (U l ) Casilla, Lima, Peru, Physics Department, 1974 - 1975
- Educator for the National University of Engineering, Student Thesis Director.
CEA, France, Department of Fundamental Research, 1970 - 1974
- Magnetic Resonance laboratory, research work in solid state, 1971 - 1974
- CEA, Laboratory University, Analytical Chemistry Mass Spectrometry, 1970
Honors & Publications
Academic and Professional Affiliations
- OSA member referee, (Optical Society of America) European Journal of Applied Physics, Thin Solid Films (TSF).
- Thesis referee and reports, University Paris and at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris.
- 54 peer review publications.
- 4 U.S. Patents.
- Ph.D. Postdoctoral, Solid State Physics, Grenoble University, France
- M.S. Physics , Grenoble University, France