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Organic Chemistry Consultant: Organic Synthesis, Patent Searching, Reverse Engineering and Informatics Support

Technical Consultant #1701


  • Experience in the design, synthesis, and analysis of organic compounds.
  • Experience with synthesis of nucleosides, nucleotides, lipids, detergents and other molecules.
  • Experience with transfection lipids, dye-labeled nucleotides and PCR detergent projects.
  • Patent and literature searches and forming competitive strategies.
  • A registered Patent Agent performing scientific advisement on chemistry patent issues.
  • Reverse engineering of competitor products.
  • Industry experience working with patent attorneys and agents on intellectual property issues.
  • Informatics and database software design and support with SQL and PL/SQL programming.


Independent Consultant, 2011 - Present

Undisclosed Company, Manufacturing Scientist, 2011 - Present

  • Solve manufacturing problems and improve manufacturing processes.
  • Manufacture labeled nucleotides, resins and magnetic bead products.

Life Technologies, Inc., Staff Scientist, 2002 - 2010

  • Proposed, synthesized and formulated new organic small molecules for different projects.
  • Attended patent review meetings and supported the IP Legal team on all projects with reviews and searches of patents and other literature and with reverse engineering work.
  • Proposed strategies for projects based on information gained from these activities.
  • Proposed and initiated a detergent project to work around competitors existing IP.
  • Problem solving and chemistry work was a key factor in providing solutions for manufacturing when issues occurred with existing products.
  • Synthesized the key, novel lipid used in Life Technologies new RNAi Max™ product.
  • Completed the synthesis of some dye-labeled nucleotides for a project.
  • Successful scale up and launch of protein solubilizer detergent products.
  • Member of the company's Informatics and IP strategy teams.

Accelrys, San Diego, California, Software Support Scientist, 2001 - 2002

  • Travel to customer sites to install MedChem Explorer software packages and provide customer support.
  • Installation of software including Oracle databases, and interfacing these databases with scientific software across company networks.
  • Handled daily calls and emails from scientists to support cheminformatics products.
  • Installation included third party products such as MDL ISIS and Oracle on IRIX, Linux and Windows 2000 server platform.

GERS Retail Systems, San Diego, California, Software Developer, 1999 - 2001

  • Development of Workflow standalone applications using Oracle SQL and PL/SQL as the program language.
  • Administration of Windows NT servers that supported Oracle Application Server and Oracle Workflow software, as well as DBA tasks.

San Diego Super Computer Center, La Jolla, California, Oracle DBA/Developer Intern, 1999 - 1999

  • Application programming in SQL and PL/SQL as and Oracle database administration tasks.

Metabasis Therapeutics, San Diego, California, Research Associate, 1995 - 1999

  • Designed and synthesized novel organic compounds for testing as potential drugs, and entering and reviewing data in our ISIS database.
  • Compounds were nucleosides and involved sugar and heterocyclic chemistry.
  • Synthesized and assessed the pharmacological profile of 80 new compounds.

Honors & Publications

Academic and Professional Affiliations

  • American Chemical Society


  • Registered Patent Agent, USPTO
  • Java Certification, UCSD Extension
  • Perl Certificate, SDCC


  • Peer reviewed articles.
  • Author of educational text.


  • Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
  • M.S. Chemistry, California State University, Fresno, CA
  • B.S. Chemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
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