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Semiconductor Nanostructures and Photonics Consultant

Technical Consultant #1957


  • Synthesis of semiconductor materials and devices.
  • Epitaxial growth techniques, (Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition, MOCVD and Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE).
  • Self-assembly and synthesis of semiconductor nanostructures, (nano and heterostructures for photonics).
  • Development of devices in the fields of photonics, biosensors, plasmonics, spintronics, quantum information.
  • X-Ray and synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy.
  • Surface science techniques.
  • Ultra-high-vacuum production techniques.
  • Project management, reviewing and evaluation.
  • Post-graduate course teacher.


Undisclosed Company, Development Scientist, 1999 - Present

  • Leader, local leader or participant in more than 30 projects and commercial contracts, aimed both to basic science and to technological innovation, in fields such as photonics, development of semiconductor nanostructures, quantum information, biosensors, spintronics, plasmonics, large infrastructures support, surface science.
  • Technical management of the lab and development of semiconductor materials and devices, in collaboration with national and international researchers working in the above mentioned fields within common projects or commercial contracts.
  • Experts panel for FAR industrial research.
  • Advisor and evaluator for several national research and development projects.
  • Editorial board member of five international journals.
  • Co-organizer of the Italian workshop on epitaxial growth of semiconductor films and nanostructures, and of the 18th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop.
  • Teacher at the post-graduate course "Optoelectronic, spintronic and nanophotonic devices."

Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausane, Switzerland, Scientific Collaborator, 1994 - 1999

  • As a Postdoctoral student performed epitaxial growth and characterization of semiconductor nanostructures.
  • Teaching assistant in Physics diploma courses.

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MI, 1992 - 1994

Research Specialist Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

  • Study of semiconductor heterostructures by synchrotron radiation and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy.


  • Modeled and developed an innovative method for the synthesis of self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures.
  • Developed a biosensor based on plasmonic structures integrated on a semiconductor HEMT.
  • Developing position- and intensity-sensitive multiband photon detector based on semiconductor quantum wells.
  • Synthesizing semiconductor photonic nanostructures for next-generation optical information technology.
  • Developed magnetic field nanoprobes through Hall effect in semiconductor HEMTs.
  • Synthesizing high mobility HEMTs based on compound semiconductor materials for future quantum information technologies.

Honors & Publications


  • Italian: Mother tongue.
  • English: Fluent, conversation, writing, reading.
  • French: Fluent, conversation, writing, reading.
  • Multilingual: Working two years in the United States, five years in Switzerland, and conducting several scientific and technological collaborations with research groups, mainly in Europe and in the U.S.

Academic and Professional Affiliations

  • International Foresight Science & Technology Group of CNR, which undertakes monitoring and analysis support activities for CNR future strategies.
  • Italian Technological Platform for Photonic Sources and Sensors, aimed to identify and develop research and innovation lines for the EU Framework Program.
  • Leader of the HMMBE group (High Mobility Molecular Beam Epitaxy) at IOM-CNR TASC Lab. consisting normally of three to five people.
  • Coordinator and local coordinator for 8 National research projects and 3 commercial contracts.
  • Involved in more than 20 national and European research projects.
  • Member of the International Foresight Science & Technology Group of CNR, which undertakes monitoring and analysis support activities for CNR future strategies.
  • Delegate of the IOM-CNR Institute at the Italian Technological Platform for photonic sources and sensors, aimed to identify and develop research and innovation lines for the EU Framework programmes within these fields.
  • Coordinator of the cryogenic technical gas supplies for IOM-CNR, TASC Laboratory.
  • Referee for the MIUR projects FIRB "Futuro in Ricerca."
  • Referee for the Italian Research Quality Evaluation (VQR) program.
  • Advisor for the Research Grants of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS).
  • Co-organizer of the Italian workshop on epitaxial growth of semiconductor films and nanostructures.
  • Editorial board member of 5 peer reviewed international journals, and referee for more than 15 peer reviewed international journals.
  • Guest editor for the special issue "Epitaxial Materials", journal "Materials" (MDPI Publisher).
  • Teacher at the post-graduate course "Optoelectronic, spintronic and nanophotonic devices", University of Trieste.
  • Honorary fellow, Synchrotron Radiation Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI


  • "Young Author Best Paper Award," International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem, Israel.

Publications and Patents

  • Author and Co-Author of more than 150 publications.
  • One patent-Italy.


  • Ph.D. Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • B.S. Physics, University of Trieste, Italy
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