Gene Therapy, Virology and Proteomics Biomedical Sciences Consultant
Technical Consultant #2044
- Virology
- Oncology
- DNA repair and recombination
- DNA replication
- Protein-DNA interactions
- Protein-protein interactions
- Proteomics
- Quantitative-Polymerase Chain Reaction, (PCR)
- Allele specific-PCR
- Antibody production-generation
- Immunofluorescence
- Immunobloting
- Cell biology
- Cancer biology
- Molecular biology
- Yeast genetics
- Gene therapy
- Recombinases
- Site directed gene modifications.
- Cloning, protein expression and protein purification.
- Trained in various techniques routinely used in biochemistry.
Independent Consultant, Present
- On call consultant - Global Advisor
Undisclosed University, Postdoctoral Associate, 2011 - Present
- Designed a novel approach to identify proteins binding to abnormal DNA and RNA structures.
- Initiated a collaboration with MIT and, identified proteins critical for gene therapy, genome stability and cancer.
- Engineered a novel antibody-viral fusion protein to target radiation resistant cancer cells.
- Designed and analyzed triplex forming oligonucleotides as tools for gene therapy, targeting genes involved in Hurler Syndrome, β-thalassemia and HIV infection; part of the work was incorporated in a successful SBIR grant proposal.
- Current work led to a presentation at an international DNA-repair symposium and a manuscript.
University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT, Graduate Assistant, 2004 - 2010
- Demonstrated an essential role of a viral nuclease in viral DNA replication and viral growth.
- Identified 3 new interactions between viral and host proteins and these interactions are targeted for potential antivirals.
- Invited student speaker at the International Herpes virus Workshop, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010.
- Peer reviewed scientific manuscripts for Journal of Virology, Virology and Journal of Biochemistry.
- Thesis research led to one publication, 6 presentations at international conferences and, research was incorporated in a successful $200,000 Connecticut Stem Cell grant application.
- Designed and taught laboratory classes for undergraduate students in biochemistry.
- Designed, taught and supervised lab rotational projects for graduate students and research projects for undergraduate students.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Research Assistant, 2002 - 2003
- Yeast two-hybrid system
- Yeast genetics
- Strain construction
Bharathiar University, Department of Biological Sciences, 1999
- Leading a working committee of 6 students and one faculty for budgeting and appropriating the student association funds.
- Organizing intra university science competitions.
- Arranged student visits to biotech firms and research centers throughout India and, organized seminars from eminent scientists and entrepreneurs in life sciences.
Honors & Publications
- Postdoctoral Associate, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Completed a course on 'Business of Biotech' organized by the Yale Health Care and Life Sciences Club.
- English
- Tamil
- Hindi
- Bengali
Academic and Professional Affiliations
- New York Academy of Sciences
- National Postdoctoral Association
- Participant: Annual Yale Case competition
- International graduate assistantship and tuition waiver awards, University of Connecticut Health Center
- Keystone symposia education fund scholarship, Keystone symposia on DNA replication and recombination, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Publications and Patents
- Co-Author: Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 for the, Journal of Virology.
Invited Speaker
- International Herpes virus workshop, Salt Lake City, UT
- Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Molecular, Microbial and Structural Biology retreat, University of Connecticut Health Center, Hartford, CT
Poster Presentation
- Keystone symposia on Genome Instability and DNA repair, Taos, NM
- Keystone symposia on DNA Replication and Recombination, Santa Fe, NM
- International Herpesvirus workshop, Seattle, WA
- North Eastern Structure Symposia, Storrs, CT
- Keystone symposia on Mechanisms of DNA Replication and Recombination, Keystone, CO
- Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
- M.S. Microbial Gene Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India
- B.S. Microbiology