Physicist and materials scientist with expertise in electronic displays, LCD, RF electronics, integrated circuits, semiconductors, optical disks, prototyping, device design, cost estimates, market estimates, new products, cathodes, thin films, thick films, porous materials, superconductors.Consulting on electronic material including electronic displays, RF electronics, optical disks and semiconductors.Materials for LCD displays and related optical displays.Material research and development for integrated circuits and optical disksRapid prototyping and testing of electronic devices.Technology and enterprise development.
Experienced manager of electronics, optoelectronics, superconductivity research and new business developmentManaged R&D organizations developing: superconductivity materials and applications, semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fiber optic communications, organic light emitting diodes for displays.Part of small team that established joint venture with major telecommunications concern, identified value of their patents, prepared business plan, identified and purchased plant site.Integrated Cryoelectronics, President and CEO, cons...